Hashmap Data Structure in Python: A Practical Guide with Sample Code
Hashmaps, also known as dictionaries or associative arrays, are essential data structures in Python that allow for efficient storage and retrieval of key-value pairs. In this tutorial, we will explore the concept of hashmaps and demonstrate how to use them effectively in Python. We will cover the following topics:
1. Understanding Hashmaps:
— Definition and basic principles
— Key characteristics
— Hashing function and collision resolution
2. Creating a Hashmap:
— Built-in dict
— Initializing an empty hashmap
— Adding key-value pairs
— Accessing and modifying values
3. Operations on Hashmaps:
— Checking the existence of a key
— Removing key-value pairs
— Updating values
— Getting keys and values
— Iterating through a hashmap
4. Advanced Hashmap Techniques:
— Custom objects as keys
— Handling collisions
— Choosing a suitable hashing function
— Implementing a custom hashmap class